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搜读云 > 首辅之妻中英对照版 > 第68章 Chapter 68: Confession

第68章 Chapter 68: Confession


Her lady seemed to enjoy a life of luxury, but only Glass knew how cautious and guarded she had to be and how much she suffered.


"No, he's a decent man. He should not become involved with someone like me since he is a true gentleman who is as pure as the sun on fresh snow." Her lady took the tea, sat down, and started talking.


"My lady, you despise bad people and think you don't deserve good people.How many years of youth does one have? If you continue like this, you'll squander your chance at happiness."


"My lady, you are the most intelligent and talented person I've ever seen. Why not fight for yourself? You might be able to change your own destiny."


"My lady, you're courageous and resourceful. How can you give up without even trying?"


It could be seen that some people were born with intelligence. But being too intelligent, however, had made her see things too clearly, and over time, she could no longer live the vivid life that ordinary people enjoyed.


"Glass, I have grown used to it. I've had enough of the taste of poverty. Our fates were decided long ago, and we are both destined to live difficult lives.


Like you, like me, I've also climbed high mountains to chase my dreams, only to find the road ahead shrouded in fog.


I've tried to learn from the apricot tree that blooms beyond the wall, but all I saw were bare branches in the cold winter.


I've played the zither, singing songs of the phoenix seeking its mate, but all I found were layers of mist and mountains standing in my way.


I've cried out for a good friend, but all I encountered was the bone-chilling cold of the harsh wind.


Blood stained with rouge, tears of beauty, scattered white bones, and miles of frozen land along the way—all I've heard are the tragic wails of women and the news of deaths. The scent of blood fills the air, making my heart shudder."


The path beneath her feet is built on piles of corpses, with blood staining the ground. Everywhere, there is a thick, oppressive smell of blood. In such a hostile environment, how could she have even a moment to entertain grand dreams of the future? The world is dark like a flock of crows, and with her limited abilities, she is trampled underfoot, finding it difficult to accomplish anything.



That young master is not ordinary. He must come from a wealthy and prestigious family. Those in high positions in such families are not harmless little rabbits but wolves in sheep's clothing. They appear harmless but hide their lethal power, only revealing their sharp claws and true nature when necessary.

