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搜读云 > 首辅之妻中英对照版 > 第64章 Chapter 64:Warning The Landl

第64章 Chapter 64:Warning The Landl


Initially, her goal was to teach Xu Qianqian a lesson through the last incident, forcing her to face reality and recognize her place rather than behaving arrogantly and aloof as though she were a noble lady from a prestigious family. Her temper and arrogance seemed to grow with each passing day.


With such a bad temper, how could she wait on the customers here? How could she make money if she didn’t serve them well?


Unexpectedly, Xu Qianqian managed to escape this time. She was furious but wouldn't be foolish enough to vent her anger on Xu Qianqian.


"I was born into a lowly life and had to accept my fate for many things. However, this incident was not one of them. If you dare to make such decisions for me in the future, I will surely bring you to hell with me. So, Mark my words: I will bully no one for no reason. But I'm not afraid of it either. If you want to challenge me, go ahead, and I'll face you head-on! But it's best if you don't provoke me, and you better not. If you push me too hard, I don't mind fighting violence with violence."


One must possess the ability to be tough on the wicked in order to be kind to the good.


If a person who is too nice lacks the power to resist exploitation, then they will have no ability to repay others' kindness.


People are like sesame seeds. If they can't fend off those who try to extract their essence, they'll be left with nothing to offer those who have been good to them.


If one isn't ruthless towards enemies, he can't be kind to his benefactors. Those without the ability to resist will suffer, as will those around them, especially those closest to them.



It had been a long time since she last visited this secret garden, and it seemed she was intentionally avoiding this place, fearing she might never return. The young master stood alone in this place filled with their fondest memories, bitterly smiling. When had he become someone that women would desperately avoid? He will go to the mountain if the mountain doesn't come to him. He had no choice but to go to the entertainment parlor to find her again.



She understood why he didn't come to the entertainment parlor and always waited for her at the secret garden instead. When he began to confess his feelings, she exposed his hidden motives with a single sentence.

