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搜读云 > 首辅之妻中英对照版 > 第61章 Chapter 61: Counterattack

第61章 Chapter 61: Counterattack


You've seen clearly that I'm not a kind-hearted person. If someone provokes me, I might even kill him myself. If you don't believe me, you can try it and see if I'm trying to scare you. You'd better wise up from now on!


Previously, she had always maintained a low profile, concealing her true abilities. However, her hidden talents emerged this time after years of keeping them under wraps.


Xu Qianqian finally revealed her genuine nature.


Colorful Phoenix laughed hysterically, "I underestimated you! You've been playing the role of a weakling to catch me off guard."


"You'd better have a clear picture of it. You should know no matter how strong you are; there's always someone stronger. Don't ever think you're the smartest person in the world!"


After saying this, she confidently strode away.However, Colorful Phoenix lost all her strength, fell to the ground, and couldn't stop her tears from flowing.


"I never meant to hurt you. I truly never did!"


She had always thought they were the same kind of people, but she had just been brutally put in her place by the other party. The painful truth had been laid bare with unerring precision.


I'm the one who's foolish, I'm the real fool!


The only sound left in the room was the woman's sobbing, "Wuuu wuuu...wuuu wuuu."


We grew up together, honing our skills side by side. Initially, I excelled in every way, while you lagged behind in every aspect. However, as time passed, you pursued your studies with unmatched diligence, eventually catching up and surpassing me.


Your name is widely known. Everyone calls you a beauty with unparalleled talent.


You may not realize that from the moment you first showed your potential and unveiled your talents, I felt threatened. Since that day, I've been working tirelessly behind the scenes, pushing myself harder than anyone else, unwilling to settle for being overshadowed by you or overtaken by someone who started out behind me.


So that people would not take me lightly. I just don't want to be inferior to you. I just don't wish to be surpassed by you, someone who catches up later.


But You are naturally gifted. Nothing is hard for you as long as you put your mind to it and work hard. Nothing in this world you can't learn or do well.


You snatched the number one from me effortlessly. I thought hard work could change everything.

