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搜读云 > 首辅之妻中英对照版 > 第44章 Chapter 44: Colorful Phoenix

第44章 Chapter 44: Colorful Phoenix


You can't live a better life than me. You can't live more comfortably than me.


But Xu Qianqian was still able to escape this time. She had planned everything perfectly, but she did not expect that she would still be able to escape unscathed.


God, why were you so partial to her? Why were you taking care of her and ignoring my pain and suffering?



Xu Qianqian still knew nothing about Colorful Phoenix's struggle and scheme. At this time, she was still mouthing to herself in her bed and struggling to fall asleep.


"Have some rest, don't get distracted by other things. Others can't defeat you. The more you can't be defeated by yourself. Be strong and relax as you can."


But there was nothing in her life that was worth being happy about. She thought about it and thought more about it, and finally, the last bit of happiness was still in the secret garden.


"Sleep. Go to sleep. I'll be there tomorrow morning!" She tried to hypnotize herself.



Although she still had panda-like dark eye circles when she got up in the morning, at least she had fallen asleep last night. She rushed to the secret garden at dawn.


She needed to sort out her thoughts in this quiet, safe place and think about what to do next.


She wore a very ordinary cloak and would look the same as a village girl at first glance if it weren't for her outstanding figure and beautiful face.


A beautiful face can bring forth misfortune, and beauty can harm us. Trouble will find you even if you don't create any problems.


This time, she was in big trouble.


She saw a familiar figure again while she was quietly walking and pondering. She couldn't believe that she had met him here again.


She had forgotten that this was no longer her place. He had barged into her private space and occupied her secret garden.


As a young master as he is, he had countless good places to go. Why was he disturbing her peace and quietness here?


However, his life-saving grace caused her to suppress that trace of resentment. Although she had a low status, she had been able to distinguish right from wrong since she was a child. She definitely is.

