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搜读云 > 首辅之妻中英对照版 > 第39章 Chapter 39: Third Meet

第39章 Chapter 39: Third Meet


The old saying goes: "Marriage is set by the parents and sealed by the matchmakers."Naturally, she had a say as their mother, but these rules were set for other kids not working for her sons, especially her second son.


"I think I'd better not interfere in this too much."She mouthed to herself. Looking at her son leaving leisurely and gracefully, she sighed with happiness and frustration.


A conceited son must have an arrogant mother. She trusted her son's judgment too much, so she let him decide on his marriage. As her second son, he had been independent and intelligent since childhood and had grown up in a free-range parenting way.


She had rarely had to worry about this child. Since childhood, he had been a mature and sensible child, and her second son was competent. If he didn't want to tell her, even if she wanted to, it would not be easy for her to find out.


She had always been a loving mother, and her son had always been filial. Why bother to do useless things to hurt their relationship?


She trusted her son and trusted her judgment even more.



That evening, she tried hard to fall asleep, but it did not work. She just couldn't fall asleep.


She had to try her best to think about happy things and picture herself in beautiful places. So she could fall asleep.


"You have to be brave and strong, and you have to sleep now. You will have the energy to fight back harder only by sleeping well.A tough battle will take place tomorrow."She whispered to herself as if hypnotizing herself.


Since things have happened, you can do nothing by overthinking.


You must stay organized and eat regularly even if the sky falls.


These people will surely have another plan. The boss planned this so elaborately. I don't believe she will let me be off the hook.


You will never be safe and sound as long as you are here. You have to leave here as soon as possible. Otherwise, you will be the same as these miserable girls they have harmed.


It's useless to be afraid. Today may just be the beginning. There must be more terrible moves. I must outsmart them and turn their plan to my advantage.

